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Women: Height 5'8-6" ages 16-25 fashion
Height 5'7"-5'11" ages 16-30 general fashion/commercial/print
Height 5'7"-5'11" ages 30 and over sophisticated/classic

Men: Height: 6'-6'3" ages 16-25 fashion
Height: 5'11"-6'3" ages 16-40 general fashion/commercial/print
Height: 5'11"-6'3" ages 40 and over sophisticated/classic

Women Plus: Height 5'9"-5'11" age 16-and over. Size 12-18

We seek talent from all ethnic backgrounds.

Open call held - Pending Date and Time

Snap Shots: All pictures should be in digital form, in .jpg format.

Please make them conform to the following:

1. Snapshots done in front of a plain white wall and they must be clear.

2. Shoot from head to feet, head to waist, head and chest, head and shoulders. No cut off heads please. Please do one smiling and one not smiling and take shots looking into the camera and then left profile and right profile. Make sure your hair is not in your face. For females, hair must be pulled back with no makeup. Males no facial hair.

3. Body shots. Males should wear boxes or swimsuit. Females should be in a bathing suit. No smiling for body shots. Shoot from head to mid-thigh closeup, full-length head to feet. When shooting, make sure your abs are tense, but look natural. Please take shots looking at camera and then left profile and right profile.

Photographs that are nudes, blurry, dark, excessive makeup, distorted, baggy clothes or with other people in photo with you are unacceptable.

JMS MODEL cannot appropriately evaluate a model’s potential with these types of photographs. Remember, what do you want the clients to see?

Please send photos via email or mail.
Include: Model’s name, date of birth, height, stats, address, email, and telephone number.

Out of town and going to be in the Colorado/New York area call for appointment/interview.

Do not call or email to inquire about the status of your submission. If there is interest, we will contact you. JMS Model does not charge a fee to review your pictures. If any organization wants to charge a fee to consider you for representation, it is not a legitimate modeling agency. Proceed with caution. Any potential model needs to have a flexible schedule since nearly all-modeling jobs take place between the hours of 9am -– 6pm, Monday - Saturday.

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